Friday, December 2, 2016

First step To Neo4j

You want to work with Neo4J. Great. First install and configure your Neo4J locally to play around. Writing this to show you the process of installtion and show you a basic tour about the browser interface it will provide you. 

Without wasting time, just install and start playing by simply following the step by step by process mentioned below.

It is considered that you are using Windows computer. If you are using a MAC or a LINUX machine, download the respective version from the Neo4J portal.

Step 1: Download the Neo4j Community Edition from the link mentioned below

Step 2: Install the .exe file for Windows OS. You can download it for Linux and Mac OS.

Step 3: After installation power up Neo4j-ce.exe

Step 4: Start Neo4j client application. This is intended to work with the configuration part. Mind it you can not work with multiple databases with Neo4J. 

5: Once you start your server, your database will be active. You will get a message on the status pane saying "Your Database is ready, Browse to http://localhost:7474/browser/"

Step 6: Clicking on the URL will open your default browser and you can expect the following UI. I tried to point out the areas for your reference.

YIPEE !!!! Installation done and server is running smooth... Let's start playing.

First have a tour of the UI. Clicking on the leftmost and top icon will open a pane with a title "Database Information". You can expect a detailed information about your database on the panel.

Clicking on Favourites will open a different panel with some sample scripts on it. This has got another interesting feature. Suppose you have written a good complicated query, you can add that query in your favourites area.

This is a very helpful tool. You can also create a folder and save some important scripts there.  
Next most important menu is Documentation. This part is capable enough to make you a proper Neo4J person. Starting from operation to development you can learn everything from this part.

Finally, create and enjoy a graph like the following.

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